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AmChamUS is an accredited non-governmental organization representing American companies of all sizes across every sector of the economy. AmChamUS members range from the small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and chambers of commerce to leading industry associations and multinational corporations.
All members rely on the AmChamUS to be their voice in Washington D.C., outside the beltway, across the country, and around the world with our accreditation of American Chambers of Commerce across the globe. For decades, AmChamUSA has advocated for pro-business policies that help businesses create jobs and grow the United States economy.
The mission of AmChamUS is to develop and implement policy on major issues affecting business. Key to this effort is AmChamUS work involving representatives of member corporations, organizations, and the academic community, all of whom serve voluntarily. In almost every instance, significant policy and public issue positions originate with one of these AmChamUS components.
Our organization has one overarching goal — to strengthen the competitiveness of the U.S. economy. We focus on these key areas.
We advocate for pro-business policies that create jobs and grow the U.S. economy. Key issues range from smart tax policy and regulatory relief to legal reform and trade promotion.
We offer access to the latest resources, information and best practices in advocacy and communications.
Our nationally recognized team of lobbyists, communicators and policy experts advance the business community’s interests.
For decades, AmChamUS has driven the pro-business agenda in Washington D.C.

Contact AmChamUS
AmChamUS members who need assistance, small and medium-size businesses, chambers, or organizations interested in discussing a new membership.
Contact: (877) 225-5957
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